Blog Archives

Side Street Sunday – Fallen

My son and I went to Cooper River yesterday for a little photo session for my Side Street Sunday post.  He was my willing but unwilling assistant.  Mind you he is 23 and last thing he wants to do is hang with mom.  We had a good afternoon.




As always thanks for visiting!

Side Street Sunday (2)

Side Street Sunday

Today for my Side Street Sunday post I decided to go to a well know park here in Camden County, Cooper River Park.  Instead of taking the usual route, I decided to take a side street that I have never ventured on.  

As a result of trying something new I ended up at a different end of the park that I have never seen before.  This is a nice and relaxing area.  Not many people were there like it usually is at the other end of the park.

Number 2 & 6 are also my entries for the WP Photo Challenge: Descend.  Click here to see my first entry into this weeks challenge.


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