Blog Archives

Open the door mom! 25/30

Another late night visitor.

Arai’s mommy works 2nd shift, so she generally uses her key and comes on in. But last night she rings the doorbell. Why? When I open the door she tells me that there is a green thing and a brown thing by the door.  So I instantly think she is telling me so I can get a picture.  So I run back in the house and get my camera.

When I come. back she is trying to fuss (you cannot truly fuss with your mom) that she wanted me to get the bugs out-of-the-way not take any pictures.  Lol what can I say…

I did not clear the way after I took the pictures, she had no choice but to go pass this tiny creature.


I like looking at animals and insects and seeing how they are created to blend in with their surroundings.  This creatures body resembles a leaf.


Thanks for visiting!

Need a ride 23/30



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Miniature Golf 22/30

I think I may be the only person on earth that has not played miniature golf.  Am I alone or is there someone else that has never played?

miniature golf






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Third time is a charm 20/30

When Traci and I went to Wildwood NJ I took this photograph as we were leaving.  It was supposed to be used as one of my 30 Day Challenge pictures but it never made it to WP.  (still a bit behind in posting).

But it did make it to my IG account


Between the Cracks

While checking my IG messages I found out that I was published in our local newspaper, Courier Post, as one of the nine selected photos for this weeks Sunday paper.


Courier Post 7/24/16

This is  GREAT way to end an evening.  It is the Cherry On Top!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thanks for visiting!

….And he is back! 19/30

Back in May I made a post about my Spare Room, which housed a couple of frogs.  Then I found out that there was something else lurking in my spare room, a snake.

I have been waiting for the steps to be fixed but when something is free it rarely happens in the time frame that you may want.

So the other night I noticed that the frogs were back.  My grandson Arai was intrigued to see the frog just sitting there.

This frog had no fear of us, no matter how many times we went up and down the steps he did not move.



Although I have taken pictures everyday I am a bit behind in posting for my 30 Day Challenge. I will be correcting that today (hopefully).

I had the wrong settings on the camera so picture quality is not great at all.

Thanks for visiting!!

Looking at the details 17/30

Entered into this weeks Daily Post Challenge: Details


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Raindrops are falling on my head 16/30

Well not exactly.

We have been under a heat wave the last few days here in New Jersey.  Humidity has been almost unbearable and today we ae getting some relief from some much-needed rain.

In the late afternoon the rain finally began coming down.  So what does one do when it rains?  We get the camera out and start clicking away.

I put a piece of plexiglass covered with a tinted film on the top landing of the step and just waited for the rain to come.  The pictures did not come out great. Still working on settings out of auto mode.



Thanks for visiting!



Berries 15/30

I decided to do some more practice with Photoshop.

I did some basic adjustments with hues/saturation and Exposure.  I inverted it so to only concentrate on 2 of the berries.  Then I used selective sharpen.

I reviewed 2 videos, 1st  Terry White from Adobe Creative Cloud TV “How to get started with Photoshop”  and the 2nd one by Brent Hall from Light Benders Visuals “Selective Sharpening in Photoshop CC”.

So how did I do?

The changes are subtle just enough (in my opinion) to make the berries stand out.


Thanks for visiting please leave your opinion or suggestions on things I can try.



Under the Boardwalk 11/30

Under the board walk

Thanks for visiting!

Check out the song Under the Boardwalk by the Drifters

Edited with Snapseed.