Blog Archives

After the Storm

Worrying does not take away

tomorrow’s troubles,

It takes away today’s peace.

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Natures Protectors

“We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us.”
– Ralph Hattersley

A few rainy day droplets protected by a several guards which are better known as thorns.

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When Settings Are Wrong

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. by Roger Miller

Today is a cold rainy here in New Jersey not really good for outdoor photos but I did not want my new found momentum to fade away.

So I put on the heavy coat and ventured outside. To see what the rain has to offer besides wetness.

I forgot to change the settings on the camera. I still think it came out okay. What do you think?

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Holding On



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When Mom-mom is the Sitter….FUN HAPPENS!

Arai and I spent some time together today on another Adventure.  It is a rainy day here in New Jersey and he needed to release some of his pent-up energy for the sake of everyone else’s sanity.  So I took him to one of his favorite places, the woods, which we refer to as an Adventure.

Here are a few quick pictures that I was able to capture when he slowed down a bit.

                          Look at the happiness on that face!

This is something that his mother would never let him do and since I am Mom-mom she can’t fuss at me for allowing and encouraging it….LOL

Doing the Happy Dance to be in the woods again!









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Another memory created.

A Calvin Klein Model and Shelly

We were stuck in the house yesterday morning as it was raining here in New Jersey.  While cleaning the kitchen I noticed a turtle out the window.  So needless to say I had to photograph it.  Before I go get my camera I showed Arai and he is also on the same page as me and said “we need to take a picture of it”. He is truly becoming a “mini me”.

I was in my PJ’s and slippers and  Arai only had on his boxes and t-shirt.  He hurried up and got his umbrella and his mothers flip-flops and came running outside with me.

Could he be the next model for Calvin Klein?


We took loads of pictures of the cute little turtle and Arai decided to name him/her Shelly.


Arai worried that Shelly would get hit by a car.  I debated on keeping it as a pet but decided against it.  This is a wild animal and probably would die in a short while if it were to suddenly be confined.  So Shelly is still wild and free and alive.  He was still out this morning.


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Through the Needles

Thirsty Tuesday
