Daily Archives: March 21, 2015

An Opportunity for Some Snail Mail

My Uncle Richie is a retired Navy man who traveled the world over his 30 year career.  When I was a child he would send me a postcard from every county/state that he visited.  I still have these postcards.

When I would get his postcards they made me happy for two reasons, first because I know he thought about me and second it was always a beautiful note from one of my favorite Uncles.

I recently came across 2 postcard projects that I would like to share with you.

The first one I learned about was from Gale over at Living Life Day by Day.  In short, if your are tired of getting just bills in the mail and would like a pleasant surprise and some positive thoughts check out Living Life Day by Day and get a piece of happiness just when you could really use it.

You can sign up for it through her blog, it is really easy.

I am now patiently awaiting my first postcard from Gale.

The second postcard project I found while reading the comments on Gale’s blog (it is good to be nosey sometimes!).  Thomas over at Thomas’ Travels is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mozambique.  He is teaching children English and about the world.

I have signed up for this postcard project and now the hard part, what am I going to send to the children of Mozambique?


Every post MUST contain a picture.

The Traveler

The Traveler – Taken at the Philadelphia Flower Show. This fits todays post as it is about travelers. Receiving a postcard allows the reader to use their imagination and take themselves to another place.

Thanks for visiting!

All comments welcome.