Daily Archives: July 23, 2016

….And he is back! 19/30

Back in May I made a post about my Spare Room, which housed a couple of frogs.  Then I found out that there was something else lurking in my spare room, a snake.

I have been waiting for the steps to be fixed but when something is free it rarely happens in the time frame that you may want.

So the other night I noticed that the frogs were back.  My grandson Arai was intrigued to see the frog just sitting there.

This frog had no fear of us, no matter how many times we went up and down the steps he did not move.



Although I have taken pictures everyday I am a bit behind in posting for my 30 Day Challenge. I will be correcting that today (hopefully).

I had the wrong settings on the camera so picture quality is not great at all.

Thanks for visiting!!