Blog Archives

A Sign of Nobility

Last night I was chatting with Jason C. aka Opinionated Man from Harsh Realty (if you don’t know Jason go check him out) about the my post Yes the Kitchen Door and he informed me that a red door is a symbol of nobility to some Chinese.

Of course I loved the ideal of nobility and took it one step further and made it royalty.  So I said that my place is Robin’s Kingdom but thought it needs a better name.

Here are some of my choices: Robin’s Kingdom, Robin’s Oasis, Forchion Estate (pronounced fortune), but they just don’t have any pizzazz.


red door1

The yellow is covered and the door is now all red. I am still debating on this shade of red. It may get changed to a completely different color. We shall see.


I know it does not look like much now but in the future it will be gorgeous! I have plans on putting shutters on the windows, larger plants in the flower beds, changing the walkways so that they all match, having a great lawn, one that you could just lay on it (might be pushing it a bit).  I have huge dreams for my house and I want the name to match my dreams.

I am thinking of having a contest to name my Kingdom.  Not sure of the particulars yet but if/when I come up with something you will be the first to know.


Suggestion box is now open!!

Thanks for visiting!

An Artist in the Making

I bought some paints for little Arai to explore his creative side.  He totally enjoyed himself. He said that he is an “Artist!”  Of course mom-mom had to agree.

Tonight was a good night.

by Arai A.

by Arai A.

Thanks for visiting!

(Smiley face is my contribution to his work of art….don’t judge to harshly….LOL)